Here is a story so well told that the reader will never forget it--an imaginative and dramatic, yet true-to-Scripture account of what will transpire on this earth at the coming of the Lord. It is written in a style so fascinating that young and old will read it with almost breathless interest from start to finish. Already thousands who never have studied their Bibles, or looked at an ordinary book or pamphlet to learn the precious truth of the Second Coming of the Lord, have been awakened, quickened and even converted by reading, "In The Twinkling of An Eye." Convincingly true, terrible and beautiful in turn, this book is one of the most startling in the annals of Christian literature--just the book to solemnize and awaken careless, ill-taught, professing Christians to a complete realization of the fact that the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. The volume deserves a world-wide reading at this particular time and a copy should be in every Christian Library.