Contrary to the schoolbook notion, the real cradle of civilization may well have been, not Sumer, but India. This book completely revisions ancient history and suggests that by understanding how our ancestors faced their problems of existence, we can find important answers to our own unprecedented crises. The authors cite the latest archaeological, geological, and linguistic evidence to show that the ancient Indians had a highly evolved culture that has influenced the Western world decisively and still has much to teach us today. They find the magnificent sacred text, the Rig-Veda, to be much older than assumed, and they decode the spiritual wisdom hidden in its symbols, metaphors, and myths. They also unravel the astonishing mathematical and astronomical code hidden in the Vedic hymns. "This is a scholarly masterpiece and belongs in the home and library of every person who wishes to evolve using the wisdom of the ages."--Deepak Chopra, M.D.